Matching authors against VIAF identities

At Ghent University Library we enrich catalog records with VIAF identities to enhance the search experience in the catalog. When searching for all the books about ‘Chekov’ we want to match all name variants of this author. Consult VIAF,_Anton_Pavlovich,_1860-1904 and you will see many of them.

  • Chekhov
  • Čehov
  • Tsjechof
  • Txékhov
  • etc

Any of the these names variants can be available in the catalog data if authority control is not in place (or not maintained). Searching any of these names should result in results for all the variants. In the past it was a labor intensive, manual job for catalogers to maintain an authority file. Using results from Linked Data Fragments research by Ruben Verborgh (iMinds) and the Catmandu-RDF tools created by Jakob Voss (GBV) and RDF-LDF by Patrick Hochstenbach, Ghent University started an experiment to automatically enrich authors with VIAF identities. In this blog post we will report on the setup and results of this experiment which will also be reported at ELAG2015.


Three ingredients are needed to create a web of data:

  1. A scalable way to produce data.
  2. The infrastructure to publish data.
  3. Clients accessing the data and reusing them in new contexts.

On the production site there doesn’t seem to be any problem creating huge datasets by libraries. Any transformation of library data to linked data will quickly generate an enormous number of RDF triples. We see this in the size of public available datasets:

Also for accessing data, from a consumers perspective the “easy” part seems to be covered. Instead of thousands of APIs available and many documents formats for any dataset, SPARQL and RDF provide the programmer a single protocol and document model.

The claim of the Linked Data Fragments researchers is that on the publication side, reliable queryable access to public Linked Data datasets largely remains problematic due to the low availability percentages of public SPARQL endpoints [Ref]. This is confirmed by the 2013 study by researchers from Pontificia Universidad Católica in Chili and National University of Ireland where more than half of the public SPARQL endpoints seem to be offline 1.5 days per month. This gives an availability rate of less than 95% [Ref].

The source of this high rate of inavailability can be traced back to the service model of Linked Data where two extremes exists to publish data (see image below).

At one side, data dumps (or dereferencing of URLs) can be made available which requires a simple HTTP server and lots of processing power on the client side. At the other side, an open SPARQL endpoint can be provided which requires a lot of processing power (hence, hardware investment) on the serverside. With SPARQL endpoints, clients can demand the execution of arbitrarily complicated queries. Furthermore, since each client requests unique, highly specific queries, regular caching mechanisms are ineffective, since they can only optimized for repeated identical requests.

This situation can be compared with providing a database SQL dump to endusers or open database connection on which any possible SQL statement can be executed. To a lesser extent libraries are well aware of the different modes of operation between running OAI-PMH services and Z39.50/SRU services.

Linked Data Fragment researchers provide a third way, Triple Pattern Fragments, to publish data which tries to provide the best of both worlds: access to a full dump of datasets while providing a queryable and cachable interface. For more information on the scalability of this solution I refer to the report  presented at the 5th International USEWOD Workshop.

The experiment

VIAF doesn’t provide a public SPARQL endpoint, but a complete dump of the data is available at In our experiments we used the VIAF (Virtual International Authority File), which is made available under the ODC Attribution License.  From this dump we created a HDT database. HDT provides a very efficient format to compress RDF data while maintaining browser and search functionality. Using command line tools RDF/XML, Turtle and NTriples can be compressed into a HDT file with an index. This standalone file can be used to without the need of a database to query huge datasets. A VIAF conversion to HDT results in a 7 GB file and a 4 GB index.

Using the Linked Data Fragments server by Ruben Verborgh, available at, this HDT file can be published as a NodeJS application.

For a demonstration of this server visit the iMinds experimental setup at:

Using Triple Pattern Fragments a simple REST protocol is available to query this dataset. For instance it is possible to download the complete dataset using this query:

$ curl -H "Accept: text/turtle"

If we only want the triples concerning Chekhov ( we can provide a query parameter:

$ curl -H "Accept: text/turtle"

Likewise, using the predicate and object query any combination of triples can be requested from the server.

$ curl -H "Accept: text/turtle""Chekhov"

The memory requirements of this server are small enough to run a copy of the VIAF database on a MacBook Air laptop with 8GB RAM.

Using specialised Triple Pattern Fragments clients, SPARQL queries can be executed against this server. For the Catmandu project we created a Perl client RDF::LDF which is integrated into Catmandu-RDF.

To request all triples from the endpoint use:

$ catmandu convert RDF --url --sparql 'SELECT * {?s ?p ?o}'

Or, only those Triples that are about “Chekhov”:

$ catmandu convert RDF --url --sparql 'SELECT * {?s ?p "Chekhov"}'

In the Ghent University experiment a more direct approach was taken to match authors to VIAF. First, as input a MARC dump from the catalog is being streamed into a Perl program using a Catmandu iterator. Then, we extract the 100 and 700 fields which contain $a (name) and $d (date) subfields. These two fields are combined in a search query, as if we would search:

Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904

If there is exactly one hit in our local VIAF copy, then the result is reported. A complete script to process MARC files this way is available at a GitHub gist. To run the program against a MARC dump execute the command:

$ ./ --type USMARC file.mrc
000000089-2 7001  L $$aEdwards, Everett Eugene,$$d1900-
000000122-8 1001  L $$aClelland, Marjorie Bolton,$$d1912-
000000124-4 7001  L $$aSchein, Edgar H.
000000124-4 7001  L $$aKilbridge, Maurice D.,$$d1920-
000000124-4 7001  L $$aWiseman, Frederick.
000000221-6 1001  L $$aMiller, Wilhelm,$$d1869-
000000256-9 1001  L $$aHazlett, Thomas C.,$$d1928-

[edit: 2017-05-18 an updated version of the code is available as a Git project ]

All the authors in the MARC dump will be exported. If there is exactly one single match against VIAF it will be added to the author field. We ran this command for one night in a single thread against 338.426 authors containing a date and found 135.257 exact matches in VIAF (=40%).

In a quite recent follow up of our experiments, we investigated how LDF clients can be used in a federated setup. When combining in the LDF algorithm the triples result from many LDF servers, one SPARQL query can be run over many machines. These results are demonstrated at the iMinds demo site where a single SPARQL query can be executed over the combined VIAF and DBPedia datasets. A Perl implementation of this federated search is available in the latest version of RDF-LDF at GitHub.

We strongly believe in the success of this setup and the scalability of this solution as demonstrated by Ruben Verborgh at the USEWOD Workshop. Using Linked Data Fragments a range of solutions are available to publish data on the web. From simple data dumps to a full SPARQL endpoint any service level can be provided given the resources available. For more than a half year DBPedia has been running an LDF server with 99.9994% availability on a 8 CPU , 15 GB RAM Amazon server with 4.5 million requests. Scaling out, services such has the LOD Laundromat cleans 650.000 datasets and provides access to them using a single fat LDF server (256 GB RAM).

For more information on the Federated searches with  Linked Data Fragments  visit the blog post of Ruben Verborgh at:

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